2. Types of House Insurance Cover in France

  1. Third Party Cover
  2. All Risks Policy
  3. Sports Insurance

2.1. Third Party House Insurance Cover

Public liability (responsibilité civile) insurance will cover accidents or injury to third parties who may be in your property, or damage to neighbouring property, accidentally caused by you (or member of your family) because of your negligence or imprudence.

In French law, parents are directly responsible for the actions of their children up to 18 years of age. In the event that your child causes accidental damage or injury, then the victim can bring a civil action for damages against the parents.

The insurance does sometimes cover domestic servants or baby-sitters, but you would need to check with your insurer.

The insurance policy will also cover your actions in daily life outside of the home in public areas.

However, the insurance will not cover:

  • Your own property, you or your family;
  • Damage or injury arising from your employment;
  • Driving a car, flying a plane or sailing a boat for which specific insurance is required;
  • Dangerous sports or animals;
  • Deliberate acts or those that are not legal.

You also require specific public liability insurance for sports participation, school trips, and business activities.

You should also check your policy to see whether it provides cover on travel or holidays.

If you rent out property, or you are a tenant, the law requires that all tenants of unfurnished accommodation take out (at least) public liability insurance (risques locatifs) covering their own responsibility for damage to third parties and the property.

In general, their responsibilities would be best covered by an all risks policy (multi-risques d’habitation) that they could take out to also cover their own person and possessions.

This rule does not apply to tenants of furnished properties, or those renting a holiday home.

Next: All Risks Policies

Back: Finding an Insurer

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