Manor Houses (Manoirs) in the Centre Val de Loire region

Manor houses or Manoirs in French are luxurious and often fortified type of French property. These properties originally represented the lowest unit of landowner property in the feudal system.
Most French manor houses that you find in the Centre Val de Loire region are not fortified and were originally completely autonomous farmstead properties. In style they were large farmhouse style properties occupied by gentry, noble, and later on, bourgeois land owners. These traditional French houses are always built of local stone with internal & external wooden detailing (doors, beams etc). There are occasionally half-timbered internal walls, as part of the decoration. Manor houses in Centre Val de Loire can have a huge stone gated entrance to a large courtyard and garden with a path leading to the house. Roofs are predominantly made of tiles and steeply pitched. Many manor houses were originally partially fortified. The primary feature of the manor house is its great hall. A late 16th century transformation produced many of the smaller current Renaissance châteaux of France. The house normally has a minimum of two chimneys as well as towers and even Pigeonniers(Dovecotes) that give a property even more prestige and enhance the appearance making a property more regal looking and chateau like. Manor houses will have large windows that bring a lot of light into the house (ideal to make a very luminous living or dining room). This type of Centre Val de Loire property often comes with a large piece of land, many outbuildings, a gardener’s house, and so on.

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