Centre Maisons de Maître

Many maisons de maître can be found in the Centre region. They are rare and exceptional properties architecturally and historically speaking.

These Centre properties are the most modern descendants of the first colonial masters' houses and appeared in France during the second half of the 18th century in a period of growing prosperity of the bourgeois upper middle class.
These old French houses were the sign of wealth and power and were often built in strategic areas in villages or countryside. In that Centre region where castles are so numerous, these houses were ideal outposts built in strategic locations. In the Centre region, these big houses often come with vast domains of fields, woods or plots of water, and are generally composed of many rooms (several bedrooms, 1 or 2 bathrooms, 1 or 2 kitchens, big dining room, reception room, and possibly a library, study...). They are generally separated from roads and main passageways by a courtyard surrounded by other smaller buildings called dépendances (outbuildings) in French, giving to the main house an extra sense of grandeur.
Nowadays, maisons de maitre are very sought-after French properties as they can be a very good investment either for renovation or for B&B and hostel possibilities.

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