IFP Newsletter

Issue 024: 15th Nov 2007

Welcome to a Special Bumper Issue of the IFP Newsletter. Today, we celebrate the first year of publication of the Newsletter, which is now regularly received by upwards of 20,000 of you, with many thousands of visitors who also read it direct from the web page. We are grateful for your interest and your support. But we do want to take this occasion to hear what you think about the Newsletter.

  • What topics are you interested in?
  • How would you like to see the Newsletter develop?
  • Would you like more news about what is happening in France? Or would you prefer more information about buying property and living in France? Or both?
  • Do you want a few in-depth articles, or lots of succinct pieces of news, or have we got it about right?
  • How often would you like to read news from us about France - on a rolling basis, once a week, every fortnight, or once a month?
Do e-mail us with your comments at [email protected]

Sign Up here to receive the Newsletter direct into your mail-box each fortnight. You can also discover other useful information by visiting our growing library of Guides to Buying Property and Living in France.

Aix en Provence the Sunniest Place in France

Aix en Provence was the sunniest place in France last year, whilst Toulon the warmest, and Besancon in the North East had the highest number of rainy days.


Who Pays the Social Welfare Levy?

If you relocate to France to live on an early retirement pension, you pay the notorious ‘social welfare levy’. Or do you?

Social Levy

Property Prices in French Cities

In their latest quarterly price survey, FNAIM, the professional body of estate agents, publish details of the average price of property in the major cities and towns of France.

Property Prices

French Bureaucracy the Most Expensive in Europe

A recent study puts a cost on the bloated French bureaucracy, the most expensive in Europe.

French Bureaucracy

Do not Be Fooled by ‘Micro-Entreprise' Status

In the minds of many who relocate to France a ‘micro-entreprise’ is synonymous with a 'small business', but do not let hasty translation put you in a tax trap.


France’s Ecological New Deal

The French President Nicolas Sarkozy has given the green light to a major programme of action on the environment, which has been greeted with satisfaction but prudence by many observers.


What Are ‘Notaire Fees’?

When buying a French property, there is no escaping paying around 7% in ‘notaire fees’, but just what are these fees, and can you reduce them?

Notaire Fees

How Much Does A Small Business Make?

Whether butcher, baker or candlestickmaker, what can the owner of a small business expect to earn in France?

Small Business

Water Companies Making ‘Abusive’ Profits

The price of water in the major cities of France is often ‘abusive’ and private water management companies are make huge profits, according to the French consumer’s body, UFC-Que-Choisir.

Water Profits

Land Prices in France Remain Modest

The French Ministry of Agriculture has recently published figures on agricultural land prices throughout France, which show an average price of €4390 per hectare for arable land, and €3100 per hectare for grassland.

Land Prices

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