IFP Newsletter
9th Jan 08
There are widespread reports of a shambles in the implementation of the new health circular.
We are hearing of many expats who have visited their local health authority (CPAM) to make application for registration to the health service, only to be greeted by officials who seemed to have no knowledge of the new circular.
In other cases, applicants are erroneously being refused access to the health system on the grounds that they do not meet the criteria set out in the circular, despite the fact that some have a right of affiliation on medical grounds, or who have lived in France for over 5 years, which grants them a right of access.
In only one or two rare cases (notably in Limousin and Tarn) are we hearing that, not only do officials have a decent grasp of the circular, but a generous interpretation of its provisions is being taken.
In an effort to try and get a better understanding of the situation we have spoken to the French Ministry of Health.
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