Spotclicks & Featured Property Adverts

Featured property adverts are the perfect way for you to promote specific properties within our website. A Featured Property advert includes the thumbnail picture of the property and is displayed on key pages of the website, including the Homepage. Each page that displays Featured Properties will only display a certain number (up to 8). When you create a Featured Property advert, it is placed within a pool of Featured Properties. Every time a page displaying Featured Properties is viewed, it will randomly display the featured properties, thus ensuring each Featured Property is given equal exposure. Featuring a property directs site visitors towards your adverts helping to generate interest and leads. See the right hand column of our homepage for examples of current Featured Properties on the website: When a user clicks on a Featured Property, they are directed to the full property details. We also include a prominent link to your property listings page from the property advert. This link encourages visitors to look at your entire portfolio of properties. Each time a user clicks on your featured property advert a Spotclick is deducted from your account. Spotclicks can be quickly purchased online by clicking the Purchase Spotclicks link in the left hand navigation bar.

1. How to Allocate Spotclicks to a Property Advert

Log into your Account Home and access your property portfolio page by clicking on the Sale properties link in the left hand navigation bar. Click the Feature Property button on the appropriate property. Featured property adverts are highlighted in yellow and display featured in the status column. You will only be able to click this button if the property is already online. You will be prompted to purchase clicks if you do not have any Spotclicks in your account or if you balance is less than 100 Spotclicks. The minimum number of clicks you can allocate to a property advert is 100. You can purchase clicks in the following denominations:

  • 1,000 Spotclicks – 50 Euros
  • 2,500 Spotclicks – 115 Euros (8% discount)
  • 5,000 Spotclicks – 200 Euros (20% discount)
  • 7,500 Spotclicks – 260 Euros (Almost a 30% discount)
  • 10,000 Spotclicks – 300 Euros (40% discount)

All prices exclude VAT. Spotclick purchases are non-refundable and an invoice will be raised to your account statement. You can purchase Spotclicks by clicking on the Purchase Spotclicks link in the left hand column of the agency admin page. The following information must be filled out when creating a featured property advert.

Display Title

This is the title which is displayed above the Featured Property thumbnail image. You have a maximum of 35 characters to use, including spaces. Please do not use ALL CAPS. The location and price of the property are automatically shown above the Featured Property thumbnail image.

Clicks to Allocate

This is the number of clicks that you wish to allocate to the property. It is imperative to specify the number clicks required before creating the featured property.

2. Editing a Featured Property Advert

It is possible to edit an existing Featured Property advert. You can adjust all the advert details and reduce/ increase the number of clicks allocated to a Featured Property easily.

  • Access your Active Property Portfolio page.
  • Click on the Featured property button.
  • Make the changes to the featured property advert and save them by clicking Add.

3. Cancelling a Featured Property Advert

  • Access your Active Property Portfolio page.
  • Click on the Featured Property button.
  • Click Stop featuring this Property to remove the Featured Property and credit any remaining clicks back to your click total.
Please note that if you take a property offline or archive it, any Featured Property clicks previously allocated will be automatically credited to your click total.

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