Advertising Guide - Increasing the Number of Enquiries

This guide, provided by the IFP Ltd Advertising Team, provides some quick and effective ways to increase the number of enquiries you receive from your advertised property. Many of these tips are simple but very effective!

New Adverts Get the Most Attention

Keep renewing your property portfolio - by publishing new adverts. It's no secret, new properties always get the most attention so if your adverts are getting quite old, swap them for different property adverts whenever possible. You will get more enquiries as a result from interested buyers.

PropertySpy updates send out newly added properties every Monday to over 9000 subscribers!

Realistically Priced Property

The price of a property is key - everyone knows house prices have fallen recently and we are in a buyers market. We strongly recommend contacting your sellers to see if they will make a reduction on the asking price. It is not obligatory for them to do so of course, but it will definitely help to get viewers through the door.

Advert Statistics

Check your advert statistics regularly - Look through your stats to help identify which properties are generating interest and enquiries. If no one is viewing the advert or making enquiries; it is either overpriced or not suitable for our target audience. Remove properties like these from your portfolio and upload a replacement advert.

Communicate With Your Clients

Keep in contact with potential clients - Once you have received an enquiry keep in contact with that visitor. If you can discuss their requirements and match them with suitable property they will be pleased with your service. IFP recommend you continue to keep in contact with potential clients ensuring they are kept informed of new properties which suit their requirements.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Review your advert pictures - Ensure your property images are taken on sunny days to portrait the property in the best light. It may seem like a small point but properties with well lit images are more eye catching and always attract more viewers.

IFP recommends all images are taken in and uploaded landscape orientation which gives a much cleaner and professional look to your adverts

Only the Best Will Do!

Keep advertising your best properties - The IFP network continues to expand and your adverts are now shown across several websites not just Choose a range of the best properties in your portfolio (high and low priced) to prompt our visitors to enquire. Once you are in contact with them you can discuss their requirements and upsell them to other properties easily.£££Return to Agent Help Home£££Return to Agent Help Home~~~