20. Disputes and French Rental Property

  1. Use of a Huissier
  2. Advisory Services
  3. Conciliation Service

20.2. Official Advisory Services in Disputes

There are a number of sources of free advice you can take in the event of a dispute with your tenant.

  • Housing Information Agency (ANIL)
  • County Consumer Protection Dept (DGCCRF)
  • Legal Advice Centre (CDAD)


ANIL (L’Agence Nationale pour information sur Logement) is the government national housing information and advice agency.

There are local offices of ANIL in all départements, staffed by civil servants whose responsibility it is to provide guidance and assistance to those seeking to buy, rent, refurbish or construct a property. Do not expect detailed technical advice, but they may well be a useful first point of contact.

II. County Council Consumer Protection Department

This department goes by the name of Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (DGCCRF).

It is based in your county préfecture.

They will be able to advise you on your rights and provide you with information on how you can bring a legal action.

III. Legal Advice Centre (CDAD)

Before you think about engaging an avocat to defend you, or bring a legal action, you may want to consider making use of the legal advice service available in legal advise centres that have been created in most of the départements of France.

Many of these centres offer free advice, or advice at a small cost. Access to the free service may depend on your income.

The service is called Conseil Départemental de l'Accès au Droit (CDAD).

Most of the CDAD offer times and days in the weeks when a either an avocat, huissier or notaire is present to offer advice.

In addition, they have other staff who may be able to assist or provide you with the contact details of an organization who can provide you with further advice.

Most CDAD have created interesting and informative websites, provided, of course, you can understand French!

Next: Conciliation Service

Back: Use of a Huissier

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