Electricity Supply Services in France

  1. Opening an Electricity Account in France
  2. Getting a New Electricity Supply
  3. French Electricity Tariffs
  4. Your French Electricity Bill
  5. Assistance with Payment of Electricity Bills
  6. Changing Your Electricity Supplier
  7. Complaints Procedures

3. French Electricity Tariffs

There are two main regulated tariffs, the details of each are given below. They are subject to at least annual review.

A household can choose the power supply they need for their home. The amount of power you will need will depend on the size of your property, number of inhabitants and the heating system. A small apartment might well manage with 3KVA, whilst a larger property might need 12KVA.

The power supply offered by EDF goes up to 36KVA, although in the following tables we only show tariffs to 18KVA. In addition, a supply more than 12KVA is not available for residential households using the 'Tarif de Base'.

The tariffs include VAT and other increasingly significant taxes and charges - the Taxe sur la consommation finale d’électricité (TCFE), Contribution au service public de l’électricité (CSPE), and La contribution tarifaire d’acheminement (CTA).

Despite the criticisms of consumer groups about electricity charges in France, the regulated prices EDF are obliged to charge French consumers actually means they make a loss each year on their domestic operations.

In addition, electricity prices in France continue to remain below the European average.

However, many French households pay more in electricity than consumers elsewhere in Europe due to the poor level of insulation in many homes.

In addition, since 2021 wholesale prices of electricity have risen significantly, which has necessitated intervention by the French government to limit the increase in tariffs, which you can read about at Electricity Price Rises in France 2022 and our subsequent piece Electricity Prices in France 2023. Without this protection price increases would have been substantially higher.

The following tariffs are those for EDF (1st Feb 2025), an average reduction of around 15% over 2024, but around 20% for those on the base tariff. However, the cost of the annual standing charge has increased by around 8%.

There is an annual charge of €61.20 a year for those who do not have a 'Linky' smart meter. This charge will rise substantially again on 1st Aug 2025.

3.1. 'Tarif de Base' (Bleu)

If your water and space heating is not electric then you would be best to choose this tariff, which has the same rate throughout the day and year. Prices are as at 1st February 2025.

Power Rating Annual Standing Charge Price per kWh
(kVA) (Euros) (Euros)
3 124,90 0.20,16
6 164,40 0.20,16
9 207,24 0.20,16
12 250,32 0.200,16
15 290,40 0.20,16

3.2. 'Heures Creuses/Heures Pleines'

If you have a night-storage electric water heater and/or storage radiators you would be best advised to choose this option, which provides off peak electricity rates to heat your appliances.

The timing and duration of off-peak hours does vary across the country, so you need to ask your local EDF office the hours that apply in your area. You can also find out on-line at ENEDIS. Generally, the off-peak hours (heures creuses) are 2330-0730.

In the following table we show a supply up to 18KVA, but up to 36KVA is also available. Prices as at 1st February 2025.

Power Rating Annual Standing Charge Peak time for 1 kWh Off-peak time for 1 kWh
(kVA) (Euros) (Euros) (Euros)
6 168,48 0.21,46 0.16,96
9 216,12 0.21,46 0.16,96
12 260,28 0.21,46 0.16,96
15 301,92 0.21,46 0.16,96
18 344,88 0.21,46 0.16,96

There is a consideration of the use of off-peak electricity in an article we published in our Newsletter at Does Off-Peak Electricity Make Sense?

However, during 2025 the rules will change. Until now, the system provided for 16 hours in peak hours and 8 hours in off-peak hours, the majority of the latter being concentrated during the night. From 2025, part of the off-peak hours will be moved in the afternoon to better exploit solar production, particularly in the summer.

In concrete terms, the new distribution provides for:

Minimum of 5 consecutive hours at night, between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., so that programmed heavy-liability devices (such as the water heater) always operate at a reduced rate during the nuight.
Up to 3 hours in the afternoon, ideally distributed between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., especially when the sun highest, especially during the summer season (from 1 April to 31 October).

As a broad rule, in order for the adoption of this tariff to be worthwhile, at least one-third of your electricity consumption needs to be used during the off-peak hours.

3.3. 'Tempo'

EDF also offer a tariff called Tempo with charges that vary according to the time of year and of day. For some it can make sense, but it is a complicated tariff to operate. It is also only available if you have a supply rating of at least 9kWh. More details are set out at Option Tempo.

3.4. Advice

If you are in any doubt, the best way of approaching this whole issue is to ask for a free assessment of your requirements by EDF.

There is an English-speaking advisor available at EDF on 09 69 36 63 83.

Next: Your French Electricity Bill

Back: Getting a New Electricity Supply

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