Guide to French School Education

14. French School Education Grants

There are a range of school grants available to families on a means-tested basis.

The main forms and sources of assistance are as follows:

  1. Return to School Grant
  2. College Grant
  3. Lycee Grants
  4. School Social Grants
  5. Local Council Grants

14.1. Allocation Rentrée Scolaire

The basic 'return to school' grant is called Allocation Rentrée Scolaire (ARS).

14.1.1. Qualifying Rules

This is a grant available at the start of each school year (la rentrée) to help meet return to school costs, e.g. clothing, stationery.

It is payable to each child between the ages of 6 and 18 years attending school or apprenticeship training.

Although means tested, the grant is generous in its test of resources.

The maximum income level for eligibility depends on the number of dependent children.

The thresholds for 2025/26 are as follows:

No of Children Income Ceiling
One €28,444
Two €35,008
Three €41,572

For the school year 2025/26 the reference period for assessing your household income is the calendar year 2023, as advised on your French tax notice received in 2024!

Your ‘income’ is your net income as determined by the tax authority on your tax return, after deduction of eligible allowances - your revenu fiscal de référence.

If you have yet to make a tax return in France then you will need to produce details of your income from your home country, including your tax notice.

14.1.2. Grant

The amount of the grant for the academic year varies according to the age of the child and is revised each year. For children aged 6-10 years the sum is €416; for those 11-14 it is €439; for those aged 15-18 years it is €454 (2024/25).

14.1.3. Application Procedure

The ARS is paid out by the Caisse nationale des allocations familiales (CAF), a local office of which will be in your department. You can find out more at ARS CAF.

Next: College Grant

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