Mobile Homes and Caravans in France

  1. Introduction
  2. Mobile Homes
  3. Caravans
  4. Leisure Buildings
  5. Traveller Sites

3. Caravans in France

In French law the definition of a 'caravan' is restricted to vehicles for living purposes of a temporary or seasonal leisure purpose, which conserve their means of mobility, enabling them to be towed on the public highway.

The legal difference between a ‘mobile home’ and a ‘caravan’ appears to be that only the latter can be towed on the public highway. Mobile homes must be transported.

A caravan can be used on the public highway like any other vehicle, including parking, and it can also remained parked within authorised caravan or camping site for an unlimited duration.

However, its use for living accommodation on private land is limited to three months duration in any single year.

There is no limit on the time that you can park an empty caravan on private land, but it must remain mobile (wheels, towing bar, brakes).

The use of caravans on building sites is subject to separate regulation; they are permitted to remain for the duration of the works, or for the sale of properties on the development.

Caravans are not subject to rates or other local taxes, provided they conserve their means of mobility.

The Taxe annuelle sur les résidences mobiles terrestres that was payable on caravans and camping-cars used as principal home was abolished from 1st October 2019.

Next: Leisure Buildings in France

Back: Mobile homes in France

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