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Guides to France
Property in France
- Buying property in France
- Buying off-plan in France
- French property auctions
- SCI Ownership
- French property rights
- Renting property in France
- Selling property in France
Building & Renovation
- Building a house in France
- French planning system
- Property renovation in France
- French property rights
- French Mobile Homes
Work & Business
Money & Taxation
- Banking in France
- French mortgages
- Currency Exchange
- Taxes in France
- French inheritance
- French home insurance
Living in France
Useful Links
AdvertiseNetwork Sites
Helpful Links
- French Health Insurance
- French Home Insurance
- Inheritance Tax & Law Consultancy
- French Planning
- Transfer Money to France
- Metric Unit Conversion

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If you require advice and assistance with the purchase of French property and moving to France, then take a look at the France Insider Property Clinic.
Guide to French Poste Office - La Poste
- Introduction to La Poste
- French Postal Tariffs and Services
- La Poste Parcel Delivery
- Private Parcel Delivery
- Parcel Delivery Problems
- French Postcodes
- La Banque Postale
- Complaints Procedure
- Glossary of French Postal Terms
9. Glossary of French Postal Terms
A |
Accusé de réception : Acknowledgment of Receipt |
Adresse de l'expéditeur : Return address |
Adresse de réexpédition : Forwarding address |
Affranchir : To frank |
Affranchissement des envois : Postage |
Assurance : Insurance fee |
Avis de livraison : Posting Confirmation |
Avis de réception : Delivery Confirmation |
B |
Boîte aux lettres : Letter box |
Boîte postale : PO box - Private box |
C |
Carte postale : Postcard |
Centre de tri : Sorting centre |
D |
Destinataire : Addressee |
Destinataire inconnu : Unknown |
E |
Expéditeur : Sender |
G |
Guichet : Counter |
L |
Lettre recommandée : Registered letter |
M |
Machine à affranchir : Franking machine |
O |
Oblitération : Postmark |
P |
Par avion : By air mail |
Port payé : Postage paid |
R |
Réclamation : Claim/Complaint |
Retour à l'envoyeur : Return to sender |
T |
Tarifs postaux : Postage rates |
Taxe d'affranchissement : Postage charge |
Timbre : Stamp |
Next: Index - French Post Office
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Stunning Renovated 1920s Villa on the Doorstep of Geneva. Perfect Family Home or B&B Business.6Haute-Savoie (74)
Beautifully Renovated Property with Seven En-Suite Bedrooms, Three/Four Sitting Rooms and Well-Kept Garden7Deux-Sèvres (79)
Stunning 2-Bedroom Apartment with Panoramic Views on all Sides, Located in the Centre of Courbevoie on the Outskirts of …2Hauts-de-Seine (92)