9. Demolition Permit - Permis de démolir

A demolition permit (permis de démolir) is required in the following cases:

  • Conservation areas, such as (secteur sauvegardé, or site classé;)
  • Too demolition work on a protected building (monument historique);
  • On work within 500 metres of such a building;
  • Where the local council have stipulated it is required.

Although in the final case above, local councils have the power to impose this requirement outside of protected buildings/zones, this is rare.

If you are submitting an application for planning consent for a project where demolition is included, then there is no need to make a separate application for a demolition permit, as the request can be made as part of the planning application.

You should make enquiries of your mairie or the préfecture too see if an application is necessary.

An application for a demolition permit can be downloaded at Demande de permis de démolir..

There are various documents (including plans) you will need to submit with the application, and further information can be obtained from your local council. The use of an architect is not obligatory.

The publicity and notice requirements in relation to the demolition permit are the same as those for the planning application, to which you should refer.

The planning authority has two months to give a decision.

A demolition permit can be granted with conditions, or granted tacitly if the planning authority does no reply within two months. Even though there may be a tacit consent, you would be well advised to obtain a specific letter granting consent.

The demolition permit is valid for two years. If the works are not started within this period it becomes invalid. If works are started within this period, but suspended for more than a year, then it ceases to be valid.

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